17 June 2009

Warboss the first

This was the first major conversion work I did when I picked up 40k again in the Autumn of 2008. The victim is an Assault on Black Reach Warboss; such an awesome model as it is, but I didn't want one that looked exactly like everyone else's, also I didn't like his weapon loadout so I sent him down to the Dok's Surjery to have a few "improvements" put in place.

On an army list he now looks like this:

Warboss - 110 pts
-Kombi-Skorcha Shoota
-'Eavy Armour
-Cybork Body

As this was my first conversion I had no plasticard or any useful modeling materials to hand at all, other than greenstuff and floppy disks. So that's what I used. My plan for him was to cut off all the bits I didn't like, and add on the bits I thought he needed. Generally I'm pretty pleased with how he turned out.

Both arms got a minor reposition to give him a more dynamic pose.

And this is where I've got to so far with the painting (not very far considering he's been finished since October 2008).
Well at least I finished the base (also made from floppies).
Some nice Blood Angel Beakie wreckage for him to gloat on.

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